Kevin Murray | Murray Financial Services

Most Folks Get 46% on This Simple
Financial Literacy Quiz.

Will You Do Better?

What do you really know about finance?

How would you rate your financial literacy?

Many of us don't answer those questions honestly.

In fact, most of us think we know A LOT more about finance than we actually do.1

And guess what?

Most folks can't get 4 or more questions correct on a simple 7-question financial literacy quiz.2

Can you?

Will you score better than the average American?

Let's find out!

Take the basic financial literacy quiz below  (it'll take you less than 2 minutes or so).3

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Test Your Money Smarts with

7 Basic Questions About Finance

These days, more folks are missing more questions on this quiz than they did roughly 10 years ago.
However, your score doesn't matter as much as your willingness to learn.
It's never too late to learn more and level up your money smarts.


Your Quiz Score Doesn't Matter as Much as Your Willingness to Learn

How did you do on the quiz?

Were you surprised by any of the questions — or answers?

It's OK if you couldn't get every question right. You don't have to know everything. Few people do.

In fact, these days, more folks are missing more questions on this quiz than they did roughly 10 years ago.2

And that's not because they're dumb.

Actually, there's at least one good reason why many people don't do so hot on this quiz.

It's because they're choosing “don't know” as an answer more than ever before.2

In fact, the “don't know” responses have sharply increased over the last decade. And that's likely why scores on the quiz are dropping — and why financial knowledge seems to have declined since 2009.2

That could mean more folks are recognizing their knowledge gaps when it comes to finance.2

Kevin Murray

Murray Financial Services

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