7 Inspired Ways to Start Talking About Money & Keep the Conversation Going

#1: Saving money has allowed me to...
What have you accomplished because you've been able to save money?
What challenges did you face along the way and how did you overcome them?
Saving up for a life-changing purchase can be just one answer here, but it's not the only one. Retiring early or being able to give more to charity are also wins that can come from successful saving. Sharing these accomplishments can inspire younger generations to stay on track with their own savings goals.

#2: When I'm deciding whether to buy something or save the money, I...
What do you consider and weigh out when you're not sure whether to buy or save?
Who do you talk to and how much time do you give yourself to make the decision?
Everyone's different, so explaining how you make these decisions can help others figure out new ways to handle them. That can be especially true when it comes to high-stake purchases and challenging money choices.

#3: If someone asks to borrow money from me, I...
What's your go-to reaction when someone hits you up for a sizable loan? And what have you learned from lending out money in the past?
What factors sway or dissuade you from lending your hard-earned money?
Whether it's family, friends, or business, lending money can be tricky. And you may have more insights to share than you realize from your past experiences — good and bad.

#4: If I could go back in time, I would tell my younger self...
What piece of money advice do you wish you had 10, 20, or even 30+ years ago?
How would that knowledge have changed your outlook, your choices, or your life?
As you dig into what you didn't know, you can open up about money mistakes and how your views or behaviors have changed since then. That can create a far more engaging dialogue and make a lasting impression.

#5: One thing I regret buying is...
Which expenditures have stood out as mistakes and why?
How has your regret for those purchases changed the way you buy things now?
Most of us end up with buyer's remorse at some time in our lives. Shining some light on that may help your kids or grandkids take a thoughtful pause the next time they feel the urge to make a purchase they could regret.

#6: One thing I'm saving up to purchase is...
What big-ticket item or experience do you want to invest in next?
Sharing these goals can dial the conversation out to the long term. That can be motivating, and it may even help younger generations stop and think before their next impulse buy. This opener can also touch on your values and show how you spend money to support those values.

#7: I am grateful for...
What truly enriches your life?
Which people, experiences, or tangible objects bring you joy? How do they make your life better?
Money is important, but so are a lot of other parts of your life. Taking time to think about what you're grateful for — beyond finances — can be extremely grounding. It can also put things in better perspective, especially when life hands us bigger challenges.